Kwan Yin Healing Arts West
Call Us Now: (503) 701-8766
Kwan Yin Healing Arts West
Call Us Now: (503) 701-8766
Joanna was compelled to study Chinese medicine when acupuncture treatments for a stubborn respiratory ailment unexpectedly clarified her mental and emotional states. Not only could she physically breathe better after treatment, she walked away with a renewed sense of purpose and vitality. This feeling is what she strives to offer each patient.
Joanna's training includes multiple styles of acupuncture, including five-element acupuncture, Japanese meridian therapy, and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Each of these methods offers unique strategies to best serve individuals. For example, one patient may respond to a very gentle treatment approach, while another benefits most from strong stimulation.
Five-element acupuncture is excellent for working with emotional and spiritual concerns, TCM allows for quick symptom relief and muscle release, and Japanese acupuncture is very gentle for sensitive patients.
In addition to acupuncture, Joanna frequently utilizes moxibustion or cupping therapy to increase circulation, as well as massage to ensure maximum treatment results.
Coaching techniques such as visualization and active imaginaton help bring the mind and body together. Joanna is certified as a Soul Stream Method Life Coach. This coaching form uses body-centered awareness practices, visualizations, numerology, and the chakra system to remove personal obstacles and clarify your path forward in life. A "soul stream life map consultation" provides insight into your strengths and challenges, uncovering the unique gifts you have to offer to the world.
Joanna earned her bachelor's degree with honors from Columbia University, followed by a master's in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. She is NADA-certified in treating addictions. Joanna is also a certified Soul Stream Method Life Coach.
Joanna’s book, Leo and the Hidden Rainbow, is the richly illustrated story of how one boy discovers his inner creative resources. It’s available at children's boutiques all around Portland,® and the Kwan Yin front desk.
Seeking acupuncture treatment, natural pain relief, or to treat injury? Contact Joanna in Portland, OR, for gentle acupuncture therapy and Chinese medicine.
2330 NW Flanders Street, Suite 101, Portland, OR 97210
Joanna Present Wolfe, LAC, LLC